Hi, I'm Larissa

I had to breakup with my inner people-pleaser to start living.

I'm in love with cracking your authentic code.

Babe, I've spent my whole life being small. A chronic people-pleaser, self described recovering perfectionist. I have fit myself into a pretzel to be "liked" it took some life throwing me some serious curve balls for me to wake up and live for myself. To take a risk, and bet on me. Are you ready to bet on yourself babe?!?    


Coaching on burnout, then realizing it wasn't me. Shifting into what lights me up: guiding others on their pathway to authenticity. 


Still producing...I switched jobs hoping that would help it didn't. Burned out. I quit. Drove down the Baja coast and enrolled in a coaching certification.


Hustling as a producer, traveling from NY-LA. A self-proclaimed workaholic, seeking the next step. Desperately looking for meaning. I felt LOST.


Kombucha street art tilde shoreditch celiac taxidermy bushwick palo santo cloud bread yr bicycle rights hell of sartorial ethical butcher.


Kombucha street art tilde shoreditch celiac taxidermy bushwick palo santo cloud bread yr bicycle rights hell of sartorial ethical butcher.


Kombucha street art tilde shoreditch celiac taxidermy bushwick palo santo cloud bread yr bicycle rights hell of sartorial ethical butcher.


Work with me 1:1, and book a complimentary call devoted to seeing what may be stuck in your life. On that call we will determine if we are a match.

The biggest regret dying people have is that they didn't have the courage to live an authentic life for themselves. I'm here to change that.

where would you like to start?

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